Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Step by Step Guide To Your Weight Loss Goals (GUIDE 2)

 After successfully taking your Measurements and recording them on your Chart as we discussed in the post earlier, we then go ahead to follow a vey credible result oriented weekly meal plan and workout.

How Healthy is your Plate?

We shall have daily meals, detox water, fruits, smoothies, teas and so on but again food portioning is very vital.

For your metabolism booster, it is recommended to take a cup of green tea or lemon with water first thing in the morning. Except for Ulcer patients who have an option of taking half teaspoon of cinnamon, one teaspoon of honey mixed in warm water.

Below is the Week One Full Body and Tummy Blast Meal Plan.



Pre Breakfast

Breakfast 7am-9am

Lunch 12pm-2pm

Dinner 4pm-6pm

Post dinner

Day 1

Turmeric detox water

Avocado smoothie

3 cups of pawpaw

Avocado smoothie

Turmeric detox water

Day 2

Turmeric detox water

Blueberry Smoothie

1 cup of Blueberry or 1 cup of watermelon, 1 tbsp. of chia seed of flaxseed, ½ cup of fresh orange juice, ½ cup of green leaf vegetable of choice. Blend with little water and enjoy.

1 medium size cucumber with 1 small apple

Blueberry smoothie

Turmeric detox water

Day 3

Turmeric detox water

Easy Smoothie

1 green apple, ½ cup of pineapple, finger size ginger, ½ cup of chopped green leaf vegetable of choice, 2tbspn of fresh lemon juice, 1 banana, Blend with little water.

3 cups of watermelon or 2 cups of Blueberry.

Easy smoothie

Turmeric detox water

Day 4

Turmeric detox water

Oat Smoothie

½ cup of low-fat yoghurt, ¼ cup of oat, 1 tbsp. of cinnamon, 1 banana. Blend all together with little water.

3 cups of pawpaw

Oat smoothie

Turmeric detox water

Day 5

Turmeric detox water

Carrot Smoothie

1 cup of chopped carrot, 1 cup of strawberries or 1 cup of watermelon, 1 cup of chopped cucumber, finger size ginger. Blend with little water and enjoy.

2 cups of watermelon or 2 cups of strawberry with 1 boiled egg.

Carrot smoothie

Turmeric detox water

Day 6

Turmeric detox water

Pawpaw Smoothie

1 cup of chopped pawpaw, ½ cup of green leaf vegetable, small quantity of ginger. Blend and enjoy.

1 big cucumber with 1 boiled egg.

Pawpaw smoothie

Turmeric detox water

Day 7

Turmeric detox water

Oat smoothie

Any of the above

Oat smoothie

Turmeric detox water


Turmeric detox water👇👇

1 finger size turmeric or 1tbspn of powdered Turmeric

1 cup of warm water

2 tbspn of fresh lemon

1 tbspn of Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)


Add your Turmeric in your cup of warm water and stir very well. Add your lemon and apple cider vinegar.




A Holistic Approach To Achieving Your Weight Loss Goals (Fast Weight Loss)

To enjoy the glow of good health that is most likely to result in lasting weight loss, you must add some exercise to change in diet. It is important to make exercise and eating right part of your lifestyle if you desire to lose weight fast.

Above all, we become what we want to be by CONSISTENCY...nothing more! The things we excel at are normally the things we do consistently. Coupled with a positive attitude it is possible to lose weight very fast as well as maintain the desired weight when achieved.

Therefore Cutting Simple carbs consumption, Increasing protein and fat intake, routine exercising, scheduling and portioning food intake, getting more sleep all contribute towards achieving a more sustainable weight loss.

Obesity, Overweight and belly fat is associated with a higher risk of cardio vascular diseases like diabetes, stroke and a lot more hence the need for weight loss.

How to lose weight fast following these simple steps:

1. Ensure that a variety of foods i.e.  protein, healthy fats, vegetables and complex carbohydrates are included at every meal.


It is recommended that an adequate amount of protein is consumed on a daily basis to help preserve the muscle mass while one is losing weight and also helps keep you full for longer periods. Examples of protein rich foods include:
Lentils - Lentils are a good source of protein for Vegetarians. The are also loaded with a vast amount of vitamins and minerals that help with bowel movements and help you feel full longer.
Eggs - When trying to lose weight, it is advisable to eat eggs in moderation.
Chicken - Another execellent option for non vegans is chicken breast. Since they are low in calories, including them in your meals will help keep you satisfied and full longer.
Nuts - Nuts such as Almonds are an ideal snack for staying on track during weight loss because they are filling and healthy. In addition to this, a variety of seeds are also a good source of protein and other numerous nutrients.

All vegetables can be consumed daily in proportion except those like potatoes and corn that are usually considered as carbs since they contain more calories. Examples of Vegetables include: spinach, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbage, lettuce, kale, beetroot, green beans, cucumber, onions, asparagus, pumpkin. etc.
Monosaturated fats such as those found in Olive Oil, Cashews, Sesame Seeds, Peanuts, Fish Almonds raise good HDL cholesterol which in turn also help prevent fat around the stomach area.

Not all carbs are created equal, the ones you need to particularly avoid are the refined carbohydrates which are loaded with simple carbs such as white bread, white rice, soda, candy, baked goods, breakfast cereals, fruit juices among others. Examples of carbs that can help you lose weight include: Oats, Legumes, Whole Wheat bread, Bananas, Quinoa, Broccoli, Sweet potatoes. etc.
2. Routine Exercising.
Incorporating a daily workout combination of Weight Training  such as squats, deadlifts, step ups, palates etc. and Cardio Workouts such as cycling, running, walking, swimming, skipping or marching in place exercise if you are above 100kg. etc is recommended for fast weight loss. It is also a good strategy to Count your Steps daily therefore you need to increase your level of activity if you cant exercise. You can still do at home workouts that are equally as effective as those done with equipment in the gyms.

3. Ensure you stay hydrated throughout the day. Increasing your water intake helps keep you feeling fuller for long, increases the fat burning process and helps remove wastes and accumulated toxins from the body. It is advised to take a cup of warm water before meals too. Overall, Water helps the body function more efficiently and effectively.
4. Food Portioning and Scheduling.
It is important to learn to portion our food (not necessarily counting calories)after cooking and measure swallow before cooking to avoid eating excess food that would in turn convert to more fat storage in the body. Sizeable portions of meals once or twice a day to the fill are advised and avoid snacking whenever tempted to in order to achieve considerable weight loss results.( Though it is advised to have maybe a serving of fruit if hungry after 7:00 pm)
Scheduling when to have your meals is important too such that you avoid indulging every time. It is recommended to have breakfast between 6:00 am- 9:00 am, lunch between 12:00pm - 2:00pm and dinner between 4:00- 7:00 pm to ensure fast weight loss.
5.  Adequate Sleep is a very vital component that aids faster weight loss. In addition to regular exercise and Change in eating habits, getting enough sleep each night is beneficial to attaining your weight loss goals. It is recommended to have more than 7 hours a night of good sleep which in turn helps lower hormones that control the hunger and appetite levels.

In Summary,
It is important to be true to yourself whenever on a weight loss regime as well as to keep active, diligent and consistent in your endeavors as you follow through the above steps. You will surely lose weight and gain health!

Step by Step Guide to your Weight Loss Goals.

 Here we teach you how to eat healthy and remain healthy without having to break the Bank✌✌

We are embarking on a 4 week step by step guide on how to lose weight fast.


So firstly, it is important to do body measurements before you begin any weight loss journey in order to keep track of the changes and to also determine if you are on course.

This is a walk through guide on how to measure yourself with a tape measure. *Note* It is best to have someone else measure you.

1. BICEP - This should be 4 inches above the inside of your elbow joint.

2. CHEST - This should be the area around your breast region.

3. WAIST - This should be the place on your torso where you are the smallest

4.UMBLICUS - This is the place on your torso directly at the height of your belly button.

5. HIPS - This should be the place on your hips where you are the biggest, with the tape measure crossing the outermost point of your butt.

6. THIGH - This should be 6 inches above your knee.

NOTE: Always make sure the tape measure is level/parallel to the floor when taking your measurements.

after taking your Measurements, please draw your own Chart exactly like this one



































































 Body Mass Index = Weight/Height

Secondly, it is  recommended to take pictures with tight fitted clothing. The pictures should be wholy  front view, side view and back view. This is to help notice changes faster.

So we take measurements at the beginning and also at the end of every week so we can track improvements.

After this we go to the next step that will be uploaded shortly.